I enjoy playing with Flambe. It’s the only tech (except OpenFL) which enable you to have a SWF, Canvas & WebGL browser game with one code base made in Haxe (like OpenFL).
Having those three targets, you’re sure to reach your audience at 100%. However one feature, taking an in-game screenshot, may ruin your multi-platforms adventure.
Continue reading Taking screenshots with Flambe, fighting multi-platforms
Tag Archives: canvas
Flambe versus the World!
The (HTML5) engines war
You probably didn’t miss the engines war of the previous month: Unity announced Unity5 with WebGL support (which I already pre-ordered hurrah!) and Unreal Engine 4 did the same with an incredible price. That was for the big guys.
From a more indie friendly point of view, PixiJS continue to kick ass with awesome new features (cacheAsBitmap, blend mode for canvas, SpriteBatch…). Phaser using PixiJS as its rendering engine, is becoming much more popular every day and obviously more stable. PixiJS has really the wind in its sails because OpenFL switched to it for its HTML5 rendering engine!
New portfolio online
Before starting to seek a new job, preferably at Lyon (France), it was about time to make a new portfolio! This last two years, I worked a lot with Flash, Php and Objective-C. I wasn’t up to date on the last web tools, so I decided to make my new portfolio in HTML5/CSS3 and try some new tools!
I’ve used the HTML5 Boilerplate as a template to start, resetting CSS style and offering a strong HTML5 base page. Then I gave AngularJS a try. It’s a JavaScript MVC framework powered by Google, very powerful. For the background, I used the canvas tag. At first, I started code it from scratch but there was an opportunity to test an other framework : KineticJS. It’s very easy to handle coming with a Flash background. I’ve also give a try to the new GreenSock Animation Platform which handles TweenLite/TweenMax for JavaScript! And finally using Signals in JavaScript.
The “classic” web has greatly evolved this last years, that was cool to play with those new features/tools!