I enjoy playing with Flambe. It’s the only tech (except OpenFL) which enable you to have a SWF, Canvas & WebGL browser game with one code base made in Haxe (like OpenFL).
Having those three targets, you’re sure to reach your audience at 100%. However one feature, taking an in-game screenshot, may ruin your multi-platforms adventure.
Continue reading Taking screenshots with Flambe, fighting multi-platforms
Tag Archives: webgl
Flambe versus the World!
The (HTML5) engines war
You probably didn’t miss the engines war of the previous month: Unity announced Unity5 with WebGL support (which I already pre-ordered hurrah!) and Unreal Engine 4 did the same with an incredible price. That was for the big guys.
From a more indie friendly point of view, PixiJS continue to kick ass with awesome new features (cacheAsBitmap, blend mode for canvas, SpriteBatch…). Phaser using PixiJS as its rendering engine, is becoming much more popular every day and obviously more stable. PixiJS has really the wind in its sails because OpenFL switched to it for its HTML5 rendering engine!
Quick look into ThreeJS
This two last weeks were very exciting thanks to Adobe’s announcement : a new framework for 2D games : Starling, running on top of Stage3D (Molehill). Flash Player 11 is out henceforth, new 3D frameworks are coming : Adobe Proscenium, Aerys. And other big things like Unreal Engine 3 with Unreal Tournament 3 in our browser !
There’s a lot to digest ! Starling may be the next thing I will experiment…
Anyway, before all this annoucement, I was keeping an eye on JavaScript and its most awesome framework : ThreeJS created by Mr Doob. ThreeJS is a “lightweight 3D engine with a very low level of complexity — in other words, for dummies”. Dummy ? This is what I’m with 3D engine… in fact this is the first time that I try a 3D engine… so let’s start !
The three.js repository is on github with code source and many examples.
I started to learn ThreeJS with Ilmari Heikkinen’s slides that you can find here. It is really a good way to start.
Click here to see my experimentation.
I used three.js with WebGL render. My source code :
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I used raf.js to make an “enter frame” on the page, you can find the script on Ilmari Heikkinen’s repository.