Tag Archives: gobelins

Kinessia, game school project


I’m happy to share with you my game school project made at the french Gobelins school, in Annecy.
It is now online : http://kinessia.aymericlamboley.fr/.

I worked with a graphic designer, Tiffany Francony, which made an amazing job !

For the exam we had high honours and the best rating !!

It is made with the Citrus Engine. The original version used a smartphone as a controller for the game, and all the HUD was displayed on this. I used a Java server to make the synchronization.

This is a simple web version, I can’t pay a Java server. The concept is more raw than the original one, there was a video at the beginning to explain the story, and our approach was on the website. But, that was all in french, so I cut off.

All the source code is available on GitHub.

A short video :

I hope you will enjoy the prototype 🙂