After holidays, it’s time to get back to work 🙂
I was really busy last month, so this is some news on what I did and what is going on :
– I’ve made some experiments with the Citrus Engine on the Hero adding some functionality. But what appears is the Hero class becomes more and more complex… So I asked its creator if he knows a system/model which has a modular way to add features to the hero. And he gives me some information about the Entity/Component model. Woah, it is awesome! It’s really a new way of thinking about programming. No more OOP. This is 3 useful links/resources if you are interested : Gamasutra the Entity Component Model, Entity Systems are the future of MMOG development, Entity Systems. This links are very interesting, but there isn’t any implementation. You can find implementations with the PushButton Engine (flash), Artemis (java). However it is really complex, so I was not able to create a Component/Entity System for the CE due to my lack of experience… but if its creator has time, he will do!
– I was in holidays at Praha (Czech Republic), amazing city/country! And beer is really cheap 🙂
– I’m currently reading the book of Jesse Schell, The Art of Game Design it’s a masterpiece! Really, really interesting, lots of awesome advices. Approved & Recommended!
– I’m working/designing my next portfolio. It will be nice… 😉
– On Thursday 15 September, I go back to the Gobelins school! And I will make a point with Tiffany about Kinessia. We are thinking to create the game for mobile. I hope we will have enough time (there are already lots of project at school…), so stay tuned!
– Mobile, tablet and game design/programming is interesting me more and even more. This is two good links on mobile game programming : Starting with AIR for Android and iOS – building one app for both platforms, and Building mobile games in Adobe AIR – optimization techniques.
– And finally I’m also waiting FDT5 to invest more time in haXe and WebGL!
I think it’s enough for the news at the moment! Now it’s time to speak about the topic, this week I wanted to make some algorithms, doubly linked list and object pooling are a good exercice. Previously I made an oral in my school to introduce recurisivity and data structures (pdf link in french). Doubly linked list and object pooling are techniques optimizations used in game development and especially on mobile devices.