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Hey guys, the last months have been very exciting! We’re still working hard on A Blind Legend, there should be some blog posts about it sooner or later (you know how indie games are going)… 🙂 Next to that, we’re working on some HTML5 games. We already made several using pixi.js (with pure JavaScript and TypeScript) and others with Flambe (based on Haxe).
That time we wanted to test an other popular framework: the famous Phaser game engine. We had a long debate internally to choose the language we’d pick up between pure JS, Haxe and TypeScript and we finally opted for Haxe. There were already some Haxe externs for Phaser so that was great.
As Citrus Engine‘s developers, we were confident that Phaser comes with many good options on top of PixiJS (it is build with it) that we’d appreciate: state management, physics, multi-resolution support, sounds… However our journey isn’t as shiny as we hoped (we’re looking at you multi-resolution support)!
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